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The Dutch Federation of Martial Arts (NFK) is an association, notarial founded on 2009. It is an organization to facilitate a broad range of martial arts to unite onto a single platform.
Goals of the Dutch Federation of Martial Arts:
To encourage and (additionally) facilitate a sound practice of martial arts, doing so through exchange programs, seminars, internships, courses, competitions and publications; To promote the study of the martial arts culture and related cultural areas; To guide and promote the interests of its members.

It focuses specifically on what people and organizations connect, rather than what divides them. It seeks unity from great respect for diversity. Its motto is not in vain: “E Pluribus Unum” (one from many).


The NFK has a broad spectrum of members. They range from individuals to legal representatives, from individual members to sports schools, sports clubs, associations and institutes. Respect for the ‘genuine culture’ of the members has high priority. NFK counts on collaboration with others with similar ideals and interests to learn from each other. Ultimately it is about providing our members with a platform to broaden and deepen knowledge and skills in the martial arts, not in the least through the exchange of knowledge from the members themselves. This includes a rich palette of diverse martial arts.
The organization of the federation has a broad latitude and provides space for initiatives from the various martial arts disciplines at all levels. On one hand the members form the basis of the organization and on the other hand they form the various style groups. In this way both the individual member (or the individual organization) and the martial arts discipline get the best out of themselves. The organizational structure and its implementation will evolve over time. Enclosed you will find a current organizational chart.

Room for own identity

The federation provides the latitude to preserve genuine direction that could characterize unions, schools, and teachers of the different styles. This means that at membership application, in consultation with the board, either affiliation with existing style groups is sought or a ‘customized style group’ is arranged.

Other unions

Cooperation with other unions and exchange of knowledge and experience is highly appreciated by the NFK. One of the things that could emerge from this is for example the exchange of teachers for seminars as to get acquainted with a different style. Unions have also the option to actively cooperate with the NFK, to be agreed in consultation. Of course the union keeps its own identity.

Not affiliated with any sports school?

The federation offers a variety of courses and programs. Even if you are not a member of a sports school, yet wanting to train a few times a year, you are welcome as an individual member.
NFK has already united several grandmasters under its wings. They are here, ready to share their knowledge with you.
Ask yourself not only what we can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for us as well. Within an open and harmonious relationship the basis of give and take applies. Together we rise, together we are strong.

Want to know more… or get in touch?


  Till next time!


Latest news… The one year expansion from 3 to 23 sports schools is largely due to our members’ dedication, and is still growing. In addition, another 14 schools originating from the Stichting Okinawa Kobujutsu Nederland (SOKN). Our greatest gratitude! (Chairman NFK at the General Membership Meeting of May 2011)

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